Thursday, May 7, 2015

Books, Chili Cheese Wieners, or Video Games?

   I created an account on Good Reads recently and much to my delight, found out that there are groups made just for reading and reviewing BOOKS! Let me get this straight, you will GIVE me your book, for free, and all I have to do is leave a review for it? Where do I sign again?! I'm so excited to find that I actually do have an addiction that I can feed for free. Of course if you want to feed your addictions as well you can take a look at fictionpress as well, just be aware that if you have a very heavy reading appetite you will exhaust your options quickly.
   Anyways, I am currently torn between reading a new book, joining the forces over at P99 for some classic EQ, or heading outside and grilling these hotdogs. Did you know they make chili cheese Oscar Meyers? No? Well you do now! I know I am supposed to be writing but but but I just don't wanna right now. I want to PLAY! *sniffsniff* Hmm, rambling..better go for now!


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